Food You Can Pack In Your Carry-On + Food You Have To Check

Here's what you need to know about the foods you can and can't carry on a plane, per TSA guidelines.

What To Pack + Not Pack In Carry-Ons For Stress-Free Holiday Travel | Organizing Expert Peter Walsh

Here's what to pack in your carry-on luggage for easier travel — and what to skip to ensure you're only bringing the essentials onboard.

What To Pack In Your Carry-On + What Not To, From an Organizing Pro

Here's what to pack in your carry-on luggage for easier travel — and what to skip to ensure you're only bringing the essentials onboard.

Enter for a Chance to Win: Warmies Plush Slippers

Giveaway value: $25.00 ARV

Enter for a Chance to Win: CALPAK Travel Gift Card (Worth Up To $165)

Giveaway value: $165 ARV

9 Top Picks From Oprah's Favorite Things 2019

Oprah's Favorite Things 2019 is here! Her BFF Gayle King and "O Magazine" Creative Director Adam Glassman are sharing 9 gift picks from this year's list.

Big Surprise For Group Working With Elementary Schools To Give Extra Food To Kids In Need

Indiana's Elkhart School District is working with Cultivate to help bridge the gap between potentially wasted food and the kids who need food the most.

Indiana Students In Need Are Sent Home With Backpacks Of Unused Meals

Indiana's Elkhart School District is working with Cultivate to help bridge the gap between potentially wasted food and the kids who need food the most.

Fall Festivals: 3 Viewers Share Their Favorite Hometown Traditions

Get a glimpse at Arkansas' Timberfest, Idaho's Trailing of the Sheep Festival and South Carolina's Pecan Festival.

We Crash Long Island Book Club's Rachael Ray 50 Celebration

Since the ladies were celebrating Rach's new book "Rachael Ray 50," Rach sent her gal pal and celeb caterer Mary Giuliani to turn the meeting into a party.

Help—My Husband Spends Too Much $$$ Eating Out

A viewer named Jessica spends $300 a week on groceries for her family of 5 — but her husband Thomas still buys fast food, coffees and orders pizzas.

Grocery Budget vs. Eating Out Budget—What To Do When Couple Disagrees | Ask Dr. Drew

A viewer named Jessica spends $300 a week on groceries for her family of 5 — but her husband Thomas still buys fast food, coffees and orders pizzas.

Halloween Science Experiments: Spooky Foaming Pumpkin Patch + More

Kate the Chemist and Rach create a spooky foaming pumpkin patch and make color-changing magic in a fish tank with dry ice.