These Are The Meals a Real-Life Doctor Eats In a Day

Dr. Ian Smith follows the 70/30 rule (70% healthy and 30% fun) — and he starts his day with the fun stuff!

Certified Financial Planner Alexa von Tobel Answers 4 Money FAQs

Financial pro Alexa von Tobel gives her take on money questions she's constantly asked — like how to figure out if you're ready to buy a house.

This Adorable Dog Named Andy Has To Eat In a High Chair — Here's Why

Andy has megaesophagus, a condition where the esophagus muscles don't work to bring the food down — so the high chair aids in his digestion.

Tackle Your Growing Stack Of Mail With This Simple Filing System

Organizing expert Peter Walsh's lays out a system for future mail AND for the mail that you already have in a mountain on your counter.

Organizing Pro Peter Walsh's Easy 4-Box Trick for Organizing Electronics

It's all about separating those gadgets and gizmos into 4 different categories, organizing guru Peter Walsh says: look, listen, travel and data.

How To Tackle Memory Clutter (a.k.a. Sentimental Clutter) In a Meaningful Way

It's a real thing and pro organizer Peter Walsh knows what to do about it.

This Inspiring 9-Year-Old Collected Over 1,000 Coats In 3 Years To Donate To People In Need

"I was watching the news and I saw people without coats," Sandro says — so he started Sandro's Coats to help make a difference in his New Jersey community.

Can Rach's Husband Cook? She Answers!

We know Rach's hubby, John Cusimano, can mix a mean cocktail — but Rach reveals if he knows his way around the kitchen.

Rach Says These 2 People Have Been Biggest Influences In Life

When a viewer asked Rach who's inspired her most, she didn't miss a beat.

Rach Recalls The Time A Tower Of 30 Cupcakes Set Her Hair On Fire

"I didn't need to get a trim for quite a while," she jokes.

Can Rach's Husband Cook? She Answers!

We know Rach's hubby, John Cusimano, can mix a mean cocktail — but Rach reveals if he knows his way around the kitchen.

Rach Says These 2 People Have Been The Biggest Influences In Her Life

When a viewer asked Rach who's inspired her most, she didn't miss a beat.

This Man Quit His Job To Travel The World — And He Relies Solely On The Kindness Of Strangers

Former broker Leon Logothetis quit his job to travel the world on wheels — relying only on the kindness of strangers and returning the favor along the way.