Dr. Phil’s Spinach Scramble

Dr. Phil’s Spinach Scramble

Dr. Phil Plays 'On the Line' with Rach

Are the foods you're eating really as healthy as you think they are? Dr. Phil weighs in.

Dr. Phil's New Diet

Dr. Phil McGraw is in the house, and he's helping turn your weight-loss vision into a reality with his new "20/20 Diet"!

Dr. Phil’s Spinach Scramble

Dr. Phil’s Spinach Scramble

5 Chefs Play 'Musical Meals' with Dr. Phil

Get ready for a game of 'Musical Meals'

Dr. Phil Reveals His Wife's Favorite Curse Word

What were Dr.Phil and his wife Robin doing at The Price is Right

Dr. Phil Answers Your Most Pressing Questions

Dr.Phil is ordering up a patty melt from short-order cook Katie Lee, and he’s dishing all about his favorite moments from the 2,000 episodes of Dr

Dr. Phil Answers Your Most Pressing Questions

10 audience members are asking Dr. Phil their most pressing questions and he has just 60 seconds to answer them!

Dr. Phil Makes a Burger with Rach and Bobby

In this classic clip, Bobby Flay and Rach hang with Dr

Who Is Today's Mystery Taster?

Who Is Today's Mystery Taster?

Mystery Taster

Emeril and Rach put their heads together to guess who today’shilarious Mystery Taster is

Rach & Emeril Chat with Dr. Phil

Rach & Emeril Chat with Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil Plays 'Phil in the Blank'

Dr. Phil Plays 'Phil in the Blank'