What’s the Best Way to Wear Ankle Boots + Skinny Jeans?

Stacy London reveals how to rock skinny jeans and ankle boots for a clean, modern look.

Why Do My Jeans Stretch Out? Are Leggings OK? (+ More Fashion Questions Answered)

What you need to know NOW straight from Stacy London

Stacy London Tells Us All Her Skin Care Secrets

Snake serum?!

The RIGHT Way to Wear Spring’s Hottest Trends

No tutus here!

Here's How to Decide What Shorts You Should Wear This Summer

Viewer Sandy is 54 and is wondering if it’s age-appropriate to wear shorts in the summer. Stacy says it depends on the cut, the length and the occasion.

Stacy London Answers: Are Leggings Okay for Everyday?

Lindsay, a mom of two toddlers, wants to know -- is it acceptable to wear leggings as you go about your everyday life? The answer: yes, under some very specific circumstances.

How Do You Know Much a New Pair of Jeans Will Stretch Out?

You buy a new pair of jeans and in the store they fit great, but after a couple wearings they’re all baggy. The reason -- your jeans have too little or too much stretch.

What’s the Best Way to Wear Ankle Boots + Skinny Jeans?

Pairing ankle boots with skinny jeans can be tricky -- do you tuck them in? What if there is a gap between the jeans and your boots?

Stacy London’s Guide for Dressing for Your Body Type

'We're all snowflakes,' says Stacy London. 'Sizing is just a basic, cookie cutter approximation of shape, weight and size.'

Stacy London’s Guide for Dressing for Your Body Type

‘We’re all snowflakes,’ says Stacy London. ‘Sizing is just a basic, cookie cutter approximation of shape, weight and size.”

Stacy London’s Guide for Dressing a Petite, Long-Wasited Body Type

Cristina's challenge is that she’s 5 feet tall, small on top with a long torso, and larger on the bottom. “I feel like I’m shopping for two different people!” says Cristina. See how Stacy London dressed her to "balance" her out.

Stacy London’s Guide for Dressing for Dressing Broad Shoulders

Samantha says she has a broad back with wide shoulders and a flat booty. Stacy London says women with this body shape are usually inclined to wear blousier tops, skinny jeans and shorter skirts. Here's what she really should wear for her body type!

Stacy London’s Guide for Dressing a "Boxy" Body Type

Melissa’s challenge is to create an hourglass figure since her natural waistline isn’t well-defined. Watch the video to see how Stacy London created the illusion of a smaller waistline.