
Why should anyone have to choose between a sangria and a margarita?

The Best Food Mash-Ups: Chicken Meatloaf Parm & Pepperoni Pasta

Mash-up recipes with Grant and Jeanette!

Pomegranate Cosmopolitan

It’s got pomegranate in it so that makes it healthy, right?

Lemon-Ginger-Berry Tequila Cocktail

This cocktail could replace margaritas as your tequila go-to!

Homemade Chili Recipes: White Chicken Chili & Triple Pepper Beef and Beer Chili

We have no chill about today's chili cook-off with Grant and Jeanette. Get out your biggest pot and start cooking with us! As always, ask us your questions and share your comments, and we might give you a shoutout!

Clinton Kelly's Paloma

You're going to love this sweet, tart drink!

3 Healthy Comfort Food (+ Drink!) Makeovers From Clinton Kelly

Have your comfort food + eat (or drink) it, too with these smart swaps!

Nate’s and Jeremiah’s Fresh Lime Jalapeno Margaritas

Mmm zesty!

John’s Cranberry Simple Syrup

Use this as a base for all of your holiday cocktails!

Cranberry Whiskey Sour

This prettiest cocktail you'll see all winter!

John’s Cranberry Margarita

A traditional margarita with a festive twist!

John’s Sparkling Cranberry Sauce Cosmopolitan

You’ve heard of cranberry sauce with your turkey and mashed potatoes, but in your cocktail? Trust us, you’re going to want to try this.

Rach’s Hubby John Goes Cranberry Hunting?! (and Makes 3 Cool Cranberry Cocktails)

Watch what happens when John puts on a pair of waders at the cranberry bog (then mixes up some sweet-tart creations you’ll want to add to your T-Day menu).