Microblading Makeover For Woman Whose Brows Vanished After Radiation

We sent Kathi from Pennsylvania to the Eyebrow Doctor for a microblading treatment after she woke up one day to find that her brows were gone.

Emotional Makeover For Mom Whose Partner Died Week Before Baby Was Born

We're pampering a deserving single mom who hasn't put herself first since giving birth to her daughter just one week after her partner passed away.

Emotional Makeover Reveal For Mom Who Lost Partner Week Before Daughter Was Born

We're pampering a deserving single mom who hasn't put herself first since giving birth to her daughter just one week after her partner passed away.

Mommy Makeover: See Before and After Pics of Her Total Transformation

A mom of 2 gets a makeover to go with her new figure after losing more than 100 pounds — and the before and after photos will make you say, "WOW."

Mom Weight-Loss Makeover: The Before and After Pics Will Make Your Jaw Drop

A mom of 2 gets a makeover to go with her new figure after losing more than 100 pounds — and the before and after photos will make you say, "WOW."

5 AM Surprise Makeover For One Of Rach's Biggest Fans

It's one surprise after another when we show up at Debbie's home in Chicago — then fly her to New York for a chic city makeover before meeting Rach.

We Surprise One of Rachael's Biggest Fans EVER With a Makeover + NYC Trip

It's one surprise after another when we show up at Debbie's home in Chicago — then fly her to New York for a chic city makeover before meeting Rach.

This Surprise Audience Member Makeover Will Have You Saying YES QUEEN

Based on Rach's reaction alone, this might be celebrity makeup artist Mally Roncal's most amazing reveal yet!

This Crew Member's Haircut AND Rach's Reaction = Truly a Must-See

28-year-old culinary production assistant Max had been growing his hair out since 7th grade.

Man Makeovers: "Dorky" to Dashing!!

3 men get style makeovers and learn how to find clothes that actually fit, how to dress up flannel and how to choose comfortable pants that aren't sweats.

Dad Who Calls Sweatpants Dressy Gets Major Style Makeover

Fashion expert Tommy DiDario is our no. 1 guy when it comes to man-overs — and this time, he chose a very special recipient for "a comfortable makeover."

Female High School Football Player Gets Prom Makeover

Cheyanne from the Bronx, NY doesn't normally wear makeup or dresses — she's busy with school, homework and sports practice, after all.

Mom Who Wears Tracksuits Every Day Shops Gretta Monahan's Closet for a Style Makeover

51-year-old mom Lori felt like she couldn't compete with the stylish clothes worn by the "much younger" mothers of her 10-year-old son's friends.